Beautiful Interiors

Living in a picture-perfect home isn’t reserved for the elite alone, you too can have beautiful interiors simply by making a few minor changes to your current space. Your home after all, is your haven and every facet of it should perfectly reflect that. I consider these changes the secret to beautiful interiors and today, I’d like to share the same with you.

Starting with your Furniture and Drapery

Does their style match the look and theme you are going for? If so, in their current condition, can they work with the final layout of the space or do they need to be slightly adjusted? If not, are you in a position to purchase a new set or would you rather get a talented artisan to rework the pieces for you, so that they perfectly align with your theme? Once a framework is established, the necessary measures taken and your furniture and drapery now work with the new space, you are ready to move on to the next course of action.

Accent Walls, Paintwork and Wallpaper Application

Working with the desired theme for your revamped space, identify a colour palette that suits your style and give your walls and ceilings a fresh coat of paint. Accent or feature walls are a great addition to any room and having at least one per space will really up the ante. These feature walls can be achieved by several means including bold accent colours, textured paste and/or wallpaper application, panelling or mould detailing and well-proportioned artwork.

Next look at the Lighting

Consider replacing the statement pieces in each space to match the style you are going for. Just because the space came with outdated or boring fixtures does not mean you are doomed to live with them. Upgrade them; it doesn’t have to be all of the lighting fixtures but the main or statement pieces in each space. A stunning pendant or chandelier coupled with beautiful sconces will make your space feel like a whole different home altogether.

Thereafter, introduce Art and Décor Pieces

In strategic areas within the space or room. Like I mentioned earlier, a well-proportioned art piece will make for a great addition to any accent or feature wall. Now imagine what well and carefully selected art and décor pieces will do for your space. The pieces not only need to align with the theme you are going for but also resonate with you. Having exquisite pieces that evoke zero emotions from you is a wasted effort.

Finally, Staging

This involves laying out the space as if it is about to be used. Set the tables and table linen, bring out the fine china and tableware, lay out the beautiful carpets and area rugs, light the candles and throw in a few lush throws and accent cushions. You are now ready for the cameras.

Just walking into the new revamped space will not only brighten your mood but leave you feeling like a star, a celebrity in their domain. After all, you home is now picture perfect and you get to experience it every single day. As you can now see, these secrets to beautiful interiors not only encompass minor changes to your space but changes that can easily be executed and actualized. That said, don’t get stuck wallowing in dreary interiors, take up the challenge and make your home your haven. And like always, we are just a call away, so don’t shy away from reaching out should you have any queries or need any assistance in beautifying your home.

Till next time…Baraka Tele

Picture of Fiona Odhiambo

Fiona Odhiambo

FIONA is the Principal and Lead Designer of Phi Interior Designers Ltd. With a passion for design and the world of interiors, service and mentorship, she has over a decade's experience in building consultancy, interior architectural design, project management and business administration

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